One thing I enjoy about Digital Learning is that it is a multifaceted job. In addition to working with students, I have been responsible for professional development for staff, developing policy, administrating laptop programs, participating in parent outreach, and generally providing expertise in all areas related to educational technology.
Check out some of the highlights below!
International School of Prague had a mature 1:1 program in the Upper School when I arrived, and it was an excellent opportunity to learn on the job about all aspects of running these kinds of programs. My responsibilities included developing policies and procedures, preparing forms, documents, training, and other materials for parents, students, and teachers. I coordinated loaner laptops for students with malfunctioning machines.
Closely related to this, was also the point-person for assisting students, parents and teachers with the Powerschool online student information system. This included setup for teachers, account management for families, and advising administration on set-up and configuration realted issues. This included managing the technical transition to a standards-based reporting system.
Parent Outreach Program
I particularly proud of my work with Mr. John Mikton preparing and delivering a series of parent outreach sessions. We provided information, training, and opportunities for sharing and discussion on a wide range of topics related to technology and digital citizenship.
John's work with the parent community at the International School of Prague demonstrated to me how essential it is to bring the parent community into the discussion surrounding technology.
Digital Citizenship Programs
A consistent focus throughout my career has been Digital Citizenship. I have many years of experience working with both students and adults on these issues.
Check out a sample of the lessons I have prepared, below.